Hello! My name is Corey Keister and I am a golf and fitness enthusiast, with a passion for travel and exploring new golf courses. With a doctorate in physical therapy, I practice as a physical therapist in Columbia, SC, where I help clients overcome injuries and improve their physical abilities. 

My interest in golf and fitness has led me to create content around these topics, including writing reviews on golf courses and sharing fitness tips. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others who share my interests. 

When I’m not working or writing, I can be found on the golf course or in the gym, working on my own fitness and golf game. I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow. 

If you’re interested in working with me for physical therapy or collaborating on golf content, you can find me on my website or social media channels. I welcome feedback and comments on my blog posts and look forward to connecting with like-minded individuals who share my passion for golf and fitness. Thanks for visiting my website and I hope you enjoy!

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TikTok: @palmettolinksman